Thursday, November 3, 2011


We belong to the God who made us
He owns our every part
Even though we may deny Him
He controls our beating heart

He longs for our affections
So much He sent to die
His own Son's life to show us
How much He will supply

The Son of God came to us
To show us God's great love
And how He longs to fit us
To live with Them above

If we follow His example
And deny our evil lust
The heart of our Creator
Yearns to give us all in trust

He promises to help us
To live our daily life
To soon end all the evil
All the suffering and strife

He will destroy the evil angel
Which has caused this terrible mess
And let us live in harmony
As we end our selfishness

He promises us a future
Where death will no more reign
Where love will be the victor
Where no one feels pain

So why not give your heart to Him
Who created you in love
The One who knows your very frame
And longs to know YOUR love

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Monday, October 31, 2011


The only kind of harmony we can truly have
Is that which comes from our Father above.
The only kind of love that will last and give us joy
Is that which comes from our Father above.
The only kind of peace which lies within our hearts
Is that which comes from the Father above.
The only kind of wisdom which will be of any help
Is that which comes from our Father above.

The harmony of this world is confusion at its best.
The love of this world is the love of selfishness.
The peace of this world is far from real peace.
The wisdom of this world leads to evil plans and schemes.
Oh, may we always seek
That which comes from our Father above!

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Monday, October 24, 2011


I choose to serve my Redeemer,
Because He first chose me.
I choose to obey His commands,
Because of His great love.

I choose to forsake this old world.
He has plans for my life.
He promises love, peace and joy.
I have nothing to lose.

He gives me the power of choice,
Never forces my will.
Yet he offers so much to me,
So His love I will choose.

I am free to serve Him or not.
How can such love I shun?
He offers me eternal bliss,
I will serve him always.

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Man's Empty Space

Deep in our hearts is empty space
Which only God can fill.
Then why is man so prone to run
And flee from God's own will?
We human beings are nothing much,
We end in dirt and dust.
Cannot we see His promises
And learn in Him to trust?
He proved His love through His dear Son
Who for us lived and died.
Why should we seek this crumbling world
And let Him be denied?
Our Creator offers all to us
As we seek His love.
So why not give our all to Him
And reign with Him above?

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search


He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. (1 John 4:8)

We cannot love without knowing Him who died for us
We cannot love without obeying Him who died for us
We cannot love without learning how
We cannot love without knowing how
We cannot love without denying self
We cannot love without seeing Him who died for us
We cannot love without accepting His love into our hearts

We will love when we know Him
We will love when we obey Him
We will love when we learn how
We will love when we know how
We will love when we deny self
We will love when we see Him
We will love when we accept His love into our hearts

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Which Way Will You Go?

"I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh: That they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God." (Ezekiel 11:19-20)

A heart of flesh or a heart of stone,
Which do you own?
A gentle hand or a hand to bruise,
Which will you choose?
Words to encourage or words that betray,
Which do you say?
A harmonizing tune or an angry voice,
Which is your choice?
Unselfish living or follow the flow?
Which way will you go?

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Monday, September 5, 2011


Winds of strife blow through today
Often taking breath away.
Hurricanes, cyclones, winds of wrath
Leave destruction in their path.
Is God angry? men may say,
Will He take these storms away?

Our Creator answers,
Read my Book and you will know
I do actually love you so.
But you will turn to man-made rules
And go the way you would choose,
My love and care you will abuse.
My ancient Sabbath you cast aside.
By men's words you do abide.
I know it is your will to do
Whatever way pleases you.
Can't you see your pride and greed
And how you forget those in need?
My sons and daughters will you not learn?
If you would just my will discern,
The winds of strife would sooner leave,
If My heart you would not grieve.
Do you not know these storms exist,
Because My will you do resist?
Remember I once died for you,
So you could learn My way is true
And thus your life would always be
Full of My tranquility.

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Thursday, August 25, 2011


We sing a brand new song no man has song before,
About a battle fought, the winning of a war,
About a Captain strong and true, whose virtue glows with love,
Who leads us on in zeal to a land which lay above.

This old and dying world is not our real home,
Its principles are cruel, but ours appear on stone.
The glory of our God is still our only goal,
Our loyalty remains with Him who loves our soul.

So when the trials press and thicken day by day,
We know the time has come to cast all self away.
Yes, victory is ours, his promises are sure,
And through His glorious name, this strife we will endure.

When we see the cloud, all glowing in the night,
We know this is our God, His greeting shines so bright.
The words He speaks "well done"--our hearts will thrill in love.
All stress and strain are gone, as we travel on above.

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search


Towering mountains rise behind rolling hills,
Guarding valleys below.
Water springs from the rocks and rills,
Sharing with thirsty fields of grain.
Yonder fences hold herds of sheep and cattle,
Munching on grassy hillsides.
As I stand amidst this beauty,
My eyes on all this gazes.
My heart sings a melody of praises
To the God who made them all.

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Narrow Way

Though trials come like sifting sands,
I'm resting in my Saviour's hands.
I may not know what lies ahead,
Yet my soul is daily fed.

Barefoot walk on rocky ground,
I shall endure without a sound,
Except a prayer for help and strength,
To do my best in spite of length.

Yet, I know for every test
I conquer self, I'll soon have rest.
No matter what I must endure,
A blessed future will be secure.

It won't be long--He's coming back.
He will supply just what I lack.
Thus, I trust in Him each day,
As I walk this narrow way.

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

God is in Control

Signs and wonders of different kinds
Permeate through earth and skies.
Some are based on God's own Book,
Others based on Satan's lies.

In either case, God's in control,
Though evil seems to have its way.
God has His plans all working out,
The darkest night will soon be day.

Those who love and serve God now
Will understand God knows what's best.
Their lives will demonstrate His love,
And very soon comes peace and rest.

For God will soon end Satan's reign,
Sin and suffering come to an end.
He brings His righteous people home,
Voices praising God will blend.

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search


Burn the dross out of gold,
Refine and purify,
Until nothing common remains
To scorch the soul
Into a flame of anger
Or selfish desire.
Leave behind the foolish thought,
Then the gold of pure joy
And pure peace
Bring the sweet glow
Of pure love
To enrich the soul.

Copyright 2000, Kathryn Search

Positively Negative or Negatively Positive

Like stagnant water, some may die
For want of fresher dreams.
Yet, we can't be like rushing floods
And spoil the little streams.
Rusty nails are more dangerous
Than a shiny brand new nail.
Yet, when a new one punctures you,
It still can make you wail.
Rotting garbage has a smell
Unpleasant to the nose.
Yet, when it's mingled in the soil
My garden grows and grows.
We know that being negative
Is not the way to be.
Yet, saying NO may sometimes save
A life from agony.

Copyright 2003, Kathryn Search

The Pearl

A pearl was formed in a lowly shell
By a painful grueling process.
This goodly pearl was found by a man
Who kept it in his office.
One day it was stolen,
And soon was lost
In a field of dirt and rock,
Until a gardener dug
And found the pearl,
Then placed it in a sock.
He took it home
To give to his wife,
And she kept it for awhile.
She gave it to her oldest girl
Who received it with a smile.
"It's my greatest treasure"
The little girl said,
And covered it with cloth.
She placed it in a tiny box,
Set on a bedroom shelf.
"I will keep this pearl
Until I grow old
And begin to lose my health.
Finally, the little pearl sighed,
As it lay in it's tiny home
"Alas, can't they see
I am of greatest price.
I am here to give
them love and peace
Yet, they won't behold me twice."

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Let the Light Shine Through

The time has come
When beyond the sun
The light will soon come through
A brilliant light
To end all night
Will show us what is true

If we wait 'til then
To end our sin
And won't let light break through
Our night will stay
Way past the day
As we understand our due

Yet this won't be
If His light we see
And believe God's word is true
His way is best
And our way is blessed
If we let His light shine through

Copyright 2010, Kathryn Search

My Worst Enemy

Who is this foe,
So bent to destroy me?
It works to my woe,
In sin to employ me.
The struggle it causes
Each day of my life,
Without many pauses
For ending the strife.

I now have a Sword
Which comes from above.
It’s God’s written word,
He sent with His love.
With all of God’s armor,
And Heaven’s rich wealth,
I am able to conquer
My worst enemy, “self.”

Copyright 2010, Kathryn D. Search

A Perfect Love

There is a love that won't let you down
A love no human being can ever impart
It reaches down deep inside
And warms and comforts the breaking heart
There's a gentle love that won't let go
As long as there's any hope at all
It's a love that's determined to pull you out
No matter how deep in a pit you fall
To know this love there's only one way
You must listen to the still, small voice
He'll lead you through God's written word
For our Creator's love is your perfect choice

Copyright 2000, Kathryn Search

The Future

We can't know the future
But what God reveals,
And what He knows
He often conceals.
He leads us on
One step at a time,
Gives what we need,
As we keep in line.
If we depend on Him
Each hour of day,
God will be there
To show us the way.
So don't fret, my friend,
And you will know,
As you live your life,
The best way to go.

Copyright 2000, Kathryn Search

Why Should I Complain?

I think I too much complain
About every little ache and pain,
While some who suffer so much more
Believe upon them blessings pour.
Could it be I fail to know
The thankfulness some others show?
I must remember there'll always be
Some who are worse off than me.
Of course I can't the future see,
Or just what God has in store for me.
But if I keep within His hand,
My life will go as God will plan.
The final goal He has for me
Reaches into eternity.
So why should I complain so much
And fail to know God's loving touch?

Copyright 2003, Kathryn Search

The Holy Sabbath Day

In the beginning a day was set apart
A special holy day for man to see God's heart
When our Saviour came on earth to die for all of us
He came to magnify His law and our hearts to bless
He came to make us holy, from this old world apart
To imprint His holy Sabbath on tables of our heart
When we're up in heaven and on the earth made new
The holy Sabbath day is there for all of you

Copyright 2010, Kathryn D. Search

Walking in the Way

He walked in pain,
Each step he took
Made him complain
About his wretched life.
He could not deny
Whose fault it was,
So with a sigh
He went his way.
Until he came
Upon a special Man.
With certain fame,
Who showed him love.
This kind of love,
He barely understood,
From God above,
Erased his pain.
So now he walked
In apparent ease.
With Him he talked
And learned the truth.
He gave him light
And joy and peace.
His path was bright,
For now he knew the Way.

Copyright 2003, Kathryn Search

What Does This World Have to Offer After All?

The suffering of this world seems tough,
But heaven will be cheap enough.
Enterprises beyond our dreams
Will surpass all earthly schemes.
Why should we seek fame or wealth,
Be full of pride and sinful self,
Since our Saviour offers more
When we go through heaven's door?
If we really want success,
We will alow our God to bless.
On this earth we're learning how
To die to self here and now.
If we are willing to submit,
And will openly admit,
God has plans much better still,
When we learn to do His will.

Copyright 2003, Kathryn Search

The Wisdom of Children

Why are leaves the color of green?
Why does a butterfly fly?
What makes rain fall to the earth?
How can eagles soar high?
Why does a bear sleep all winter long?
Why is the sky so blue?
How can the bird sing such a sweet song?
From where came the wet morning dew?
Why do children still wonder each day
Why the sun goes down in the night?
Why do they ponder as they look around
And quiz over each lovely sight?
Can they possibly teach us,
In their tiny, young wisdom,
To look at the world in God’s eyes?

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

All Alone

Have you ever felt alone,
All alone,
As if in a desert home?

Where no one cares or knows,
All alone,
Your heart so full of woes.

No one sees your sorrow,
All alone,
How will you face tomorrow?

If in this world you seem
All alone,
The Lord can still redeem.

He will never leave you
All alone,
In love He will receive you.

Then you'll never, ever be

All alone.

Copyright 2005, Kathryn Search


Some are self righteous we have to admit
But not all those called Christians will the category fit
If we think we are perfect we certainly are wrong
We may just as well join the rest of the throng

Yet Christ came to save sinners and this we all are
The difference is simple quite simple by far
Those who acknowledge they need complete shift
Will accept the great Healer and let Him uplift

We're in the same boat we all have our needs
A garden is present but all full of weeds
Let the heavenly Gardener get a chance at our mess
And then He is able to eternally bless

His church is a place where sick people go
To get rid of their problems and sickness and woe
Those who believe they can heal themselves
Are bound to continue in very poor health

The self righteous ones are apt to exist
With the agnostic infidel and atheist
They depend on self for self is their god
After a few years they end up in sod

So brother or sister in the human race
Let us be careful whose image we trace
If we follow our Maker His love we'll defend
His righteousness is what counts in the end

Copyright 2005, Kathryn Search