Monday, August 1, 2011


Some are self righteous we have to admit
But not all those called Christians will the category fit
If we think we are perfect we certainly are wrong
We may just as well join the rest of the throng

Yet Christ came to save sinners and this we all are
The difference is simple quite simple by far
Those who acknowledge they need complete shift
Will accept the great Healer and let Him uplift

We're in the same boat we all have our needs
A garden is present but all full of weeds
Let the heavenly Gardener get a chance at our mess
And then He is able to eternally bless

His church is a place where sick people go
To get rid of their problems and sickness and woe
Those who believe they can heal themselves
Are bound to continue in very poor health

The self righteous ones are apt to exist
With the agnostic infidel and atheist
They depend on self for self is their god
After a few years they end up in sod

So brother or sister in the human race
Let us be careful whose image we trace
If we follow our Maker His love we'll defend
His righteousness is what counts in the end

Copyright 2005, Kathryn Search

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