Thursday, August 25, 2011


We sing a brand new song no man has song before,
About a battle fought, the winning of a war,
About a Captain strong and true, whose virtue glows with love,
Who leads us on in zeal to a land which lay above.

This old and dying world is not our real home,
Its principles are cruel, but ours appear on stone.
The glory of our God is still our only goal,
Our loyalty remains with Him who loves our soul.

So when the trials press and thicken day by day,
We know the time has come to cast all self away.
Yes, victory is ours, his promises are sure,
And through His glorious name, this strife we will endure.

When we see the cloud, all glowing in the night,
We know this is our God, His greeting shines so bright.
The words He speaks "well done"--our hearts will thrill in love.
All stress and strain are gone, as we travel on above.

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

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