Monday, August 1, 2011

The Pearl

A pearl was formed in a lowly shell
By a painful grueling process.
This goodly pearl was found by a man
Who kept it in his office.
One day it was stolen,
And soon was lost
In a field of dirt and rock,
Until a gardener dug
And found the pearl,
Then placed it in a sock.
He took it home
To give to his wife,
And she kept it for awhile.
She gave it to her oldest girl
Who received it with a smile.
"It's my greatest treasure"
The little girl said,
And covered it with cloth.
She placed it in a tiny box,
Set on a bedroom shelf.
"I will keep this pearl
Until I grow old
And begin to lose my health.
Finally, the little pearl sighed,
As it lay in it's tiny home
"Alas, can't they see
I am of greatest price.
I am here to give
them love and peace
Yet, they won't behold me twice."

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

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