Thursday, November 3, 2011


We belong to the God who made us
He owns our every part
Even though we may deny Him
He controls our beating heart

He longs for our affections
So much He sent to die
His own Son's life to show us
How much He will supply

The Son of God came to us
To show us God's great love
And how He longs to fit us
To live with Them above

If we follow His example
And deny our evil lust
The heart of our Creator
Yearns to give us all in trust

He promises to help us
To live our daily life
To soon end all the evil
All the suffering and strife

He will destroy the evil angel
Which has caused this terrible mess
And let us live in harmony
As we end our selfishness

He promises us a future
Where death will no more reign
Where love will be the victor
Where no one feels pain

So why not give your heart to Him
Who created you in love
The One who knows your very frame
And longs to know YOUR love

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

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