Thursday, November 3, 2011


We belong to the God who made us
He owns our every part
Even though we may deny Him
He controls our beating heart

He longs for our affections
So much He sent to die
His own Son's life to show us
How much He will supply

The Son of God came to us
To show us God's great love
And how He longs to fit us
To live with Them above

If we follow His example
And deny our evil lust
The heart of our Creator
Yearns to give us all in trust

He promises to help us
To live our daily life
To soon end all the evil
All the suffering and strife

He will destroy the evil angel
Which has caused this terrible mess
And let us live in harmony
As we end our selfishness

He promises us a future
Where death will no more reign
Where love will be the victor
Where no one feels pain

So why not give your heart to Him
Who created you in love
The One who knows your very frame
And longs to know YOUR love

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Monday, October 31, 2011


The only kind of harmony we can truly have
Is that which comes from our Father above.
The only kind of love that will last and give us joy
Is that which comes from our Father above.
The only kind of peace which lies within our hearts
Is that which comes from the Father above.
The only kind of wisdom which will be of any help
Is that which comes from our Father above.

The harmony of this world is confusion at its best.
The love of this world is the love of selfishness.
The peace of this world is far from real peace.
The wisdom of this world leads to evil plans and schemes.
Oh, may we always seek
That which comes from our Father above!

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Monday, October 24, 2011


I choose to serve my Redeemer,
Because He first chose me.
I choose to obey His commands,
Because of His great love.

I choose to forsake this old world.
He has plans for my life.
He promises love, peace and joy.
I have nothing to lose.

He gives me the power of choice,
Never forces my will.
Yet he offers so much to me,
So His love I will choose.

I am free to serve Him or not.
How can such love I shun?
He offers me eternal bliss,
I will serve him always.

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Man's Empty Space

Deep in our hearts is empty space
Which only God can fill.
Then why is man so prone to run
And flee from God's own will?
We human beings are nothing much,
We end in dirt and dust.
Cannot we see His promises
And learn in Him to trust?
He proved His love through His dear Son
Who for us lived and died.
Why should we seek this crumbling world
And let Him be denied?
Our Creator offers all to us
As we seek His love.
So why not give our all to Him
And reign with Him above?

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search


He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. (1 John 4:8)

We cannot love without knowing Him who died for us
We cannot love without obeying Him who died for us
We cannot love without learning how
We cannot love without knowing how
We cannot love without denying self
We cannot love without seeing Him who died for us
We cannot love without accepting His love into our hearts

We will love when we know Him
We will love when we obey Him
We will love when we learn how
We will love when we know how
We will love when we deny self
We will love when we see Him
We will love when we accept His love into our hearts

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Which Way Will You Go?

"I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh: That they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God." (Ezekiel 11:19-20)

A heart of flesh or a heart of stone,
Which do you own?
A gentle hand or a hand to bruise,
Which will you choose?
Words to encourage or words that betray,
Which do you say?
A harmonizing tune or an angry voice,
Which is your choice?
Unselfish living or follow the flow?
Which way will you go?

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

Monday, September 5, 2011


Winds of strife blow through today
Often taking breath away.
Hurricanes, cyclones, winds of wrath
Leave destruction in their path.
Is God angry? men may say,
Will He take these storms away?

Our Creator answers,
Read my Book and you will know
I do actually love you so.
But you will turn to man-made rules
And go the way you would choose,
My love and care you will abuse.
My ancient Sabbath you cast aside.
By men's words you do abide.
I know it is your will to do
Whatever way pleases you.
Can't you see your pride and greed
And how you forget those in need?
My sons and daughters will you not learn?
If you would just my will discern,
The winds of strife would sooner leave,
If My heart you would not grieve.
Do you not know these storms exist,
Because My will you do resist?
Remember I once died for you,
So you could learn My way is true
And thus your life would always be
Full of My tranquility.

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search